b'Calgary Stampede employees participate in the annual River Bank Cleanup.Supporting Environment &strips, potatoes and cotton candy from the Midway, to Sustainability on sandwiches, meats, pasta and desserts from year-round events.Our employee-based Environmental Action Team (EAT team), Stampede Park comprised of representatives from across the organization,As stewards of Stampede Park, our commitment to sustainabilitymeet monthly to drive sustainable action across Stampede Park. can be seen through all of our programs, events and operations.Their expertise helps us identify opportunities and improve We aim to create a world-class, year-round gathering place whileorganizational practices on our journey towards sustainability.reducing our impact on the natural environment and boosting our social impact. Maintaining a Culture of SafetyIn addition to our daily operational environmental initiatives, The Calgary Stampede continues to prioritize the safety of ourour employees participated in an annual Riverbank Cleanup lastvolunteers, employees, contractors and guests. In 2024,fall, tidying up the banks of the Elbow River. As a part of the 2024we held our first annual Safety Reboot Breakfast, an internal event, each team also decorated planters and received a Coyotesession where we share our safety goals from the previous year, Willow, a local plant species, to take care of over the winter. Thealong with our safety goals for the upcoming year withplants will be relocated along the riverbank on Stampede Park inStampede employees. Spring 2025, helping to enhance this important ecosystem. We also have a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) The Calgary Stampede proudly reduces the amount of waste thatCommitment that is signed by our CEO, Joel Cowley, and shared goes to the landfill each year. We divert over 14 different types ofwith all Stampede employees. materials, including everything from livestock bedding to cooking oil. We donated surplus food from events across Stampede ParkFurthering this commitment to safety, we have an employee- to local groups in need. Since May 2024, we have donated morebased Joint Health & Safety Committee that meets monthly to than 41,000 meals to local groups including the Drop-In Centre,discuss important safety topics, and a volunteer Health, Safety & Calgary Dream Centre, Community Kitchen and Salvation Army.Environment Support Committee that liaises with other volunteer Donations coming from Stampede Park range from frozen chickencommittees to ensure the safety of our programs and committees.2024 Report to the Community Calgary Stampede 12'