Strong Youth Stronger Community
We support the youth of Alberta with the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, personal growth, citizenship, and education. What sets us apart is our youth development framework and that we offer young people from all communities to come together in fun, collaborative, and inspiring environments to pursue their passions. ‘Strong Youth.’
We have Campus, a place that serves as a connection site for the community to engage in the arts, heritage, and education. It features a combination of new and historic spaces, and dynamic programming for people of all ages. It will celebrate and showcase what makes Calgary special and unique year-round. Our campus is the result of a 10-year strategic plan developed and executed in partnership with the Calgary Stampede. Together, we are making our community vibrant and engaging, and doing our part to ensure Calgary is an amazing place to live, work, and play. ‘Stronger Community.’
Youth Safety Overview
Report to Community