Shelly Norris
Community Builder
Shelly Norris obtained her CGA designation in 1983. Ms. Norris was Controller for Canadian operations of NuWest Homes following which she was second in charge at National Trust in Calgary, responsible for organizing accounting and establishing controls.
Ms. Norris and her husband jointly own an investment holding company of which she is President and maintains an income tax practice.
She has been involved in the non-profit sector for a number of years, primarily in the area of fundraising and has served as co-chair of a major gifts campaign for the Canadian Cancer Society (Alberta and NWT Divisions) for a number of years. She also helped organize the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s major fundraising event. Shelly is the current president of the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter Board of Directors, and has been a Board member for the last six years. She is a descendant of the McDougall and MacKenzie pioneering families.
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