Rich Roenisch
Southwest corner of the BMO Centre
Bronze Sculpture
W.W. Bill Siebens
About the Installation
This statue is based on a drawing done by well-known California artist, Edward Borein which was the inspiration of the 1919 “Victory Day” Stampede celebrating the end of World War I.
It was presented to the Calgary Stampede on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Province of Alberta.
Did You Know?
In 1918, Guy Weadick, founder of the Calgary Stampede, bought a big sorrel horse with the brand I.C. on the left side of the neck. The I.C. brand indicated that it was “inspected” and “condemned” meaning by the U.S. Army
In 1919, Guy Weadick organized a “Victory Day” Stampede and selected the drawing by Edward Borein to use on a poster to promote that Stampede. This image was also used for the promotional poster throughout the 1920s. Guy titled the poster “I See U” because it looks like the cowboy may be looking down at the bronc’s head for a clue as to which direction he might turn. Guy renamed his I.C. horse to “I See U” and used him in the 1919 Stampede
The artist of the bronze, Rich Roenisch, is also one of the artists of By the Banks of the Bow
Saddle Bronc and Bareback are two extremely popular events at the Calgary Stampede Rodeo